This blog is dedicated to God, my creator...Maker of the heavens and the earth in which we live!
Monday, September 29, 2008
KTV with Chinamen and Chinawomen!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The automatic Majong Table!!!
This table is super COOL!!! just watch automatically shuffles the majong tiles for you and then it will come up of the table, properly arranged in 4 rows and then, the game can start!!! my host was kind enough to open it up to show me and he said a lot of people in China has this table. I have never seen anything like it before and I was SUPER EXCITED!!! look for yourself!
Pls ignore the background noise!!! haha...i was so excited, i said very loudly '我的天啊!'
Hahaha....I really wanna thank my host for letting me video this!!! For those of you who cannot view the video, you can go youtube and type 'rachel hoe shanghai' you will be abe to find it there!
Life in China...
Its actually kind of funny everytime i think about it. My ancestors came from Shanghai, China. Singapore do not have many Shanghainese around (or rather, people from that dialect group). And so its like, I look at my collegues and I think, almost all of them are Shanghainese, and so we are kindda of the same breed or family of people. hahaha....can't really describe! China is really different from what I thought it would be, as in, looking at how commercialized Shanghai is, really changed my previous perception of China. hahaha...I really hope to come back here someday...(after I leave this place). I know in my heart that I will never forget this trip for as long as I live! I love you Shanghai!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Day 15-18...7 Days WORK!!!!
Something interesting did happen that day though, Hongyi and I met up with Roseann and Jasmine for lunch that day and after which, we stepped out of the building for some Milo Ice-cream...(it was very very windy and SUPER COLD) and as it was rather windy, things (litter, leaves, dust) were flying around. A plastic bag suddenly came rushing from behind me and GUESS what! ...After it circled in the air for a few flew straight onto HONGYI"S FACE!!!!! hahahahaha...we were ROARING WITH LAUGHTER LAH!!!!
Anyway, later that day, Sean, Siqian, Pearleen, Xue er and Me went to go shopping at Zheng Da (I went and ate with my cousin there b4). We ate at Burger King and later, spent the rest of our evening at H&M browsing through apparel and accessories. haha..
Later, we just slacked at Starbucks, enjoyed the cool autumn breeze, watch the crowd past by. Man, i call that enjoying life! We also chatted and sort of did verbal peer evaluation of each other...haha...b4 it came to my turn, we had to leave as the store was I hope to hear from them soon...!
Over the week, we also met up with the HTM gals for dinner at Bi Feng, the mushroom soup was nice!
End of Days 15-18>>>>
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pearleen joined us today>>>>>
We went shopping at QIBULU!!! i bought quite a number of items, a bangle, a watch, a wallet, a shoe and a boyfriend-shirt. but the thing i am most glad about is the fact that my friends came to church with me...and we went to Starbucks after that! my very first time eating there...
The MRT station where we are staying>>>>
Anyway, we later found a street hawker center that sells really good food at a really cheap price and its just behind the place we are staying...and the other thing is, we managed to get pirated Taiwanese Drama Series there!!! 1 whole set costs only Singapore $1.70!!! i got 3 of them...(2 of which starred Ming Dao).

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Day 12...Getting some exercise.(2nd weekend)
Weight Lifting>>>>i tried lifting for a while and now my arms are aching!!!
My Favourite Machine!!!! can stretch any part of your back that aches>>>>
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My 3 OSIP Friends.

I previously thought she was the sort who leads a complicated life (as one who been through a lot of setbacks in life), rather quiet and would keep to herself most of the time but since day 1 till now, we have been chatting about almost anything under the sun. haha...ANYTHING!!! She is very open, honest, frank, easy-come-easy-go, ...and I admire her for that. I have been having a great time with her and she has shown me a lot about the world in which she lives in. What is that you may ask...the world of friends, world of image consciousness(dressing-up, make-up), the world of shopping and the world of clubbing. (so far, that's about it). I have also shown her the sort of lifestyle I live about being a Christian, being Family-Oriented and leading the simple life. Anyway, i am really glad to know such a person as open as her...she does not keep things to herself and just openly shares how she feels whereas for most of my other frens, i have to guess their current emotion by looking at their facial expression and then ensure that i say the right things so as not to hurt them. Well, i can get pretty tired of that and i am glad i dun have to be that way in-front of her.
Next up....SEAN>>>>>
My previous perception of him was more of someone who likes to 'play'....someone with a rather active social life and so far...i am right! haha...but i have also discovered the more serious side to him. He has more 'Substance' in him than what meets the eye...wad do i mean by substance? I mean things like being knowlegable, caring and having a certain level of maturity. haha...i have gotten to know him better and i am enjoying working together with him. i can almost say there is not a boring day with him around! he is like our big brother on this trip and takes good care of all of us. i have learnt a lot from his life experiences and i hope to gain more as i am rather ignorant...i am also glad that he is rather open so communication flows easy for us. so...that's 11 days of getting to know him as well.
Summary: Before coming to Shanghai, I was really worried what life was gonna become...i mean, i did not know all the 3 of them very well and naturally, i really dun know what to expect at all. but now, i am starting to wonder what the 4 of us will become when we return to Singapore...79 over days of bonding, staying together, hanging out together, playing together is a really long time. (longer than times spent with our family at home even, if we count by hours per day). we each have our own company of frens back home but how close will we bond? how far will our friendship go? hahaha...i guess i think too much but till now, i also wonder why the 4 of us were put together since we came from all different walks of life. haha...i dun think its a coincedence but rather, destiny, that we should learn from one another...haha...I love you all and I just wanna thank the 3 of you for making this trip a joyful and enjoyable one! May we never forget these special times we shared...
Day 8-11...Work, work,work.

During this week, we also happen to visit a NIKE store. It has very good visual merchandising and the best part had a soccer table! I played with Sean and it certainly got many ppl staring at us...hahaha....
Monday, September 15, 2008
Day 7...Mooncake festival holiday...
End of Day 7>>>>
Day6 transit day7...

HAHa...>>>selecting songs!!!!
Singing away>>>
Crazy guys>>>i have totally no idea who they are....
*while i am blogging on this, one of these 2 crazy fellows are peeing out the window of their room and i happen to be in there!!!! (of course i shut my eyes, for those of you out there who thinks otherwise)
END OF DAY 6-7>>>>> all bros and sis in Christ out there...

The church i went to was called Shanghai Community Church. Its the biggest church (protestant) in Shanghai and it has english services from 2-4 and 4-6pm. So i went for the 4pm is located near Hengshan Station for those who are interested in attending their church service and more details can be found once you google 'Churches in Shanghai'. Anyway, many people from various nations came together and most were americans. Koreans, philipines, malaysians, singaporeans and many others were also represented. The church sings mordern worship songs with a majority being hillsongs but in a more serious way i would say and then the pastor came to speak on ephesians 2 as they were covering the book.
anyway, one thing i learnt from him was that, most of us would probably have this question in mind:' If God is so loving and kind, why does He still condemn people to hell? ' i did have this question at the back of my head, i mean since hell is so scary and all.... but what he explained, i find was very true. He said that the devil wants us to think that God is the one who will put you in hell. But that is not the case, when we were born in this world, we were ALREADY on our way to hell...God has been trying to save us and eventually, sent his son. That's why we have to be born again! haha...anyway, that's it for now!!!
The church entrance>>>
Inside the church>>>>
Top Level>>>>>
End of Day 6>>>>
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Day 5 >>>Shanghai (1st weekend)
Streets just outside the police station >>>>>
Dragon Bridge>>>> juz giving it a name
This is our host's bookstore...he has 20 outlets in Shanghai!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day4 >>> All it a little
Despite drinking very slowly, that was all it needed to make me a little red in the face and afterwhich, i think we drank a shooter (which also tasted nice) and i had a really small cup. i had this perception that drinks that had alcohol would taste bad (beer) and when i could not really taste the alcohol, i naturally perceived that there was little alcohol in the drink and so i sipped and soon after, my stomach stirred!!! so a fren and i left the place... and when we exited the building, i threw up!!! so...i learnt a lesson...a little alcohol is all it takes.
My Havoc Frens>>>>>
End of Day 4>>>>>