This blog is dedicated to God, my creator...Maker of the heavens and the earth in which we live!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Projects and friends...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
You're the air that I breathe>>>
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
16 Nov...

Jovin's forfeit>>>>>WEAR_THE_WIG
Sisters!First up>>> Germaine! Class 4J year 2008>>>>
Megan, Class 3F 2008>>>
Jovin Siew!>>>>Class5G 2008
Long time buddies!>>>>
To Jovin and Germaine who reads my blog: Love you both!>>>Anytime you're bored and need someone to talk to, call me k? I'll catch up with both of you soon and might see you in school too. Dun forget to spend time with God ok? He hears your prayers! Also, remember what the true meaning of Christmas is and spread God's love to your friends. Take care and God Bless!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Time to reflect>>>>
Just last Sunday at badminton, Trudy and I teamed up against my mom and auntie jade. And for each point that we lost, she would evaluate and tell me what the mistake was and how to overcome it. This went on for 3 games and I was thinking to myself, ' its oni a game wat, so what if we lose?'. did not matter to me whether i won or lost...i was not gonna participate in some badminton tornament in the future anyway, so why take it seriously?
Well, i did not think much of it but today, Uncle Sam, one of our tutors was mentioning about how competitive the chinese from China were and quoted one incident where he happened to be challenging them to see whose paper planes could fly the furthest. He told us that they would actually evaluate each 'flight' to see how they can improve and what changes should be made in order for the plane to fly further.
My initial reaction was, :'My goodness, its just a game! Dun these ppl know how to enjoy at all?' Haha...but i started to ponder and came to a conclusion that, this is probably the kind of ppl that will see success in life. Cause they possess a learning attitude and constantly seek to improve themselves in every situation. They learn quick from their mistakes and determine not to make them again. Unfortunately, I'm not like that at piano teacher had to keep circling the notes which i played wrong and still, I did not change and correct the mistake. Kinda stubborn rite?....haha...that's me and my 'can't be bothered' attitude.
Well, i've got to change and start to buck up. Potential is in each and everyone of us and i wanna maximise mine for God.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
During this period, many things have changed...and for me, I have my heart-set on certain things: