Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life's fragility

Life is fragile.

That scary truth stares right at me in the face each time a disaster occurs or someone I know passes away. I cannot understand it when people make statements like: 'I'm the master of my own fate!'. To me, its rubbish. You will never hear this from someone who is in poverty or from those who are in a state of helplessness...cause they understand that there are many things beyond human control. And in such cases, only God can intervene.

by looking at the magnitude of the universe itself and the preciseness of the way the earth is positioned for 'life' to be possible, we should be more than aware that we have a Creator and that we are subjected to Him. Our fate lies in His hands. And when He made each and everyone of us, He had a purpose in mind. God does not make mistakes nor were we made out of an accident. But each one of us are fearfully and wonderfully made. Isn't God great?