Sunday, November 9, 2008

Playing office politics>>>>>

The key to playing office politics well is this: Be as shrewd/wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. (Mat 10:16)

Taking Sides
Serpants are constantly on the alert and are aware of their surroundings, hence, when you are a newbie in a company, be quick to pick up and get wind of what is going on. This can be done by observing your collegues, hearing what they say and observing how they behave. You may discover at times, that your collegues are not gelling with a particular person or are split up into 2 social groups, in cases like this, you may have to decide which side to take. There are seldom cases whereby one can have the 'best of both worlds' or take on a neutral stand if one were to work long-term in the same company.
Sucking up to Boss
This can get really tricky. At times, the slightest thing you do for your boss can caused you to be mis-judged by your collegues. Hence, always beware of your actions. Do not do anything 'extra' for your boss of which your collegues do not do at work. If you want to appreciate your boss, do it privately away from judgmental eyes and on a more personal basis unassociated with work. The best thing is to get your collegues involved. If you really want your boss to take note of you and hope to get in his good books, your work achievements will certainly speak more volume.
Excelling at work
This is the worse of all and in many instances, unpreventable. When you are a bit more hardworking than the rest, excelling at work, and the boss commends you, ppl will start to be jealous of you and hence, find ways and means to 'pull' you down. Most times, this cannot be prevented but the most one can do, is to be possess a spirit of humility, innocence and sincerity. Being humble means not claiming credit for your effort but constantly recognizing the effort of others. When your boss praise you, always give credit to those who have helped you accomplish your task. Also carry a heart of not scheme or talk behind the back of others but be open about your opinions and views. And last but not least, always be sincere...mean what you say and say what you not be a hyprocrite that acts one-way in front of the boss and acts another way in front of others. You will lose respect. Always be sincere...In this way, ppl can see that you sincerely want to help contribute to the company's growth and have no hidden agenda or self-seeking intentions.
Being innocent is always good, but in the process, do not be completely ignorant and unaware of these office politics at play. Hence, be as shrewd as serpants but as innocent as doves. Always remember, innocence cannot be acted out, it is in-built in us and if we are really innocent, our body language, our speech and our behaviour will show.

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